Laguna Agate44

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Item: Laguna Agate
Size: 2 3/4 X 2 1/4 X 1 1/2 Inches
Weight: 8.3 oz.
Color: Reddish/Orange and Bluish Gray.
Polish: Very good.
Quality: AA+
Source: Mexico
Treatment: Absolutely None. 100% Natural


We are continuing to list one of, if not the most popular Agate in the world, which many believe to to be Laguna. That statement is of course subjective, but the Laguna's are popular, and we are trying to present nice ones in an attempt to do our best to appeal to every pocketbook. A person can spend a literal fortune on an Agate, but you don't have to do that, and this Agate is a good example. It has good size, pattern, color and polish and it is free of cracks or chips. It is a good buy. Thank you for visiting our Website.

**Every item on our Website is 100% natural with no enhancement of any kind. A PayPal button for easy and smooth transations is located below most items. If any item is just above your price range please MAKE AN OFFER. We will seriously consiider all reasonable offers. Thank you, and if you have any questions contact us.